Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The JINX at LEVEL-2!!

I used to sing..yes believe it!! I used to Draw and Paint too, not to forget play the piano too..no I am not kidding..(WTF?!!)

Well ever since I can remember, I have had my bits and pieces of ventures!! Dancing, Singing, Drawing, Creative Writing, Sports, Reading, Piano etc. were all part of my life once upon a time!! I know its a shock to many of you who know me now but its the truth..well they were all Unique and weird in their own way!! but they all had something in common, They were all off to FLYING STARTS!!

Where did I goof up?!! How come I dont do half the things i used to?!! Well, every venture had its own tragic end!! Each time the cause of death was different. It just happens all of a sudden as in one fine morning, my brain just tells me that i hate it!! I mean WTF?!!

Drawing and Painting was my first ever hobby. I remember I used to be good at it too(for a kid in the 1st grade) I still have some of my work!!..I look back and wonder why I quit drawing. Well, i guess i stopped that cos I was too young and I was stupid!!(only I CAN CALL ME STUPID!!!..U CANT!!)..

then came Reading. That stopped when I got my first computer, well u could call it Replacement..then came creative writing..well i usually sleep off while doing that..persuading me to go on the look out for something new. That something new came in the form of piano lessons, it was fun till I realized a piano is seldom used in a rock concert and besides that I also hated Elton John, who happens to play the piano. Funny how hating a particular person can also make u hate everything that he or she is related to.

I have always loved sports but when I had the physique to be good at it, my parents curbed my instincts and when my parents granted me permission, it was too late. I no longer had the physique to be good at it. So that one also went down the gutter.

So now only one remains, Dancing, the only venture that I still love doing and still do too. So can I call it my passion forever? or will it also have a tragic death like what the others had?

Honestly, I dont know. Its too early to say that its going to last forever. I will never be able to make a judgement on that matter. The more I thought about it, the more miserable I felt. I realized that everything will have to finally come to an end one way or the other.


I also realized that this was also very much true when it came to people too. Reasons for breakups can be much better explained with this reasoning. At some point or the other, We, humans will be tired of what we do and seek a change. We cant help it. Spontaneity is what we crave for and monotony is what we fear. As I see it, We always have two options,

1. Continue living your monotonous life by supressing your desires and fighting nature.
2. See nature as your ally. Embrace the next step and live your life the way you want to!!

Personally, I would always take the second choice!!



Another Blogger said...

soon the dancing will come to a full stop... muhahaha!!!

spontaneity oh yea!!
heard the old china joke by russel peter??
the question is whether u are being spontaneous or running away from commitment.. two sides of the same coin.. :)

Harshad said...

"Spontaneity is what we crave for and monotony is what we fear."
Very well said....that summarizes life i guess....
and to answer ur question i wud prefer the second option
live life keeping in mind "change is the only constant."

Unknown said...

damn..that was some deep shit =] lol.. no that was really really good!! nd for the record.. i taught him how to write like this. ;]

The Genesis of Oblivion said...

@shenthol..thanks a lot!! i feel much much better..what would i do without u?!! its not a commitment issue!!..its true i fear commitments but that fear is due to my spontaneous nature..i dont want to be in a series of short term relationships!!..know wat i mean?!!

@harshad.. Thanks man!! "Change the only constant!!..well put man!!"

@sibil.. thanks a lot pathickal!!..ur definitely an inspiration!!..and a good teacher..remember the dance!!( bharathanatyam)..lol..

Another Blogger said...

you mean u suffer from fear of commitment due to love for spontaneity and not love for spontaneity due to fear of commitment...

and change is not the only constant... all emotions are constant - it is just the state of experiencing the emotions that changes.

and really, what would you do without me... lol!!

The Genesis of Oblivion said...
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The Genesis of Oblivion said...

Emotions do change!!..but it is never new!!..Its always the same old emotions' that just keep repeating itself which leads to monotony!!

@slept in thoughts
People fear change and exploring new aspects when they are in a relationship. Most people feel that a change in ourselves will result in the degradation of appreciation from our better half!! I also feel People tend to hide their true selves if they are conscious of what other people or a particular person thinks about them..hence, I still maintain that nothing new ever happens in a commitment and commitment only enhances MONOTONY!!

Another Blogger said...

you didn't understand what i meant about emotions...

harshad said 'change is the only constant'... if i am not wrong this is a famous quote by some wise guy.. but i think it is not true because emotions are the only constant.

the state of being when you experience each emotion changes, you might feel happy in a variety of situations. but the emotion as such remains the same. i do not think anybody can get bored of feeling the same emotion, because then feeling bored would be emotion he is under the influence of... not the emotion he is bored of.