Disclaimer: I am not a Male chauvinist pig!!
From the beginning of time i.e right from ADAM and Eve, women have dominated the world and they continue doing so but they make it seem like they were the oppressed. They are the perfect example of opportunists. They act weak and equal based on the situation they are put in. 10 reasons why its more of a woman's world than a man's world!!
1. It is true that women are physically weaker, but they can do anything that a man can or rather make a man do anything that is physically possible!!
2. They always take credit for a Man's achievements and ergo " Behind every successful man, there is a woman."(personal thought - that is BULLSH*T)
3. If ever there was an argument or quarrel between a man and a woman, the viewers always tend to take the woman's side!!! WTF??
4. It is a necessity for man to be successful or at least get a job in order to survive, but for a woman, they can just lazy around. All they have to do marry a rich successful guy and be a HOUSEWIFE to survive
5. There are always incentives for a woman wherever we go, at least in India. Seats in bus, compartments in train etc etc..
6. If a couple is divorced, the woman ends up getting everything and more importantly the man has to keep paying for the woman's needs till she ends up preying on another innocent victim, I believe the word is Alimony.
7. A woman slaps a man, its no big deal or rather he is made fun of but vice versa, he ends up behind bars.
8. Every Night club in the world have a ladies night at least every month. Ever heard of Guys night?!!..Not that i am campaigning for a gay night but still a very valid point. Think about it!
9. They have woman's right activists everywhere who protect the interest of woman all around the globe. What about the protection of Men and their rights?!!
10. woman can look at boobs whenever they want.. and that is not referred as oogling.. and besides they also have the privelege of having MULTIPLE Orgasms which we men, can never enjoy!!!..(Thank you shammil for ur kind words of wisdom..lol..)
Women are the most unpredictable beings on this planet!! They are the sole reason Murphy's law came into existence! The guys who treat women like crap end up getting them, If by any chance, you end up saying those three words to a girl, she ends up walking out the door faster than if she catches you in bed with a farm animal! So much is the deviation in their thinking that many great people quoted on them. My favorite one is the one by Oscar wilde.
Oscar wilde- “How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.”
I could not agree more with the above statement. I bet if you were a guy you would agree too. ladies hmm..I am not so sure..never been sure about them and never will either!!
The other side speaks... or does it?
9 years ago